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A great way to learn more about education, the classroom, and teaching is to increase your knowledge through reading or listening. Podcasts are a great way to learn more on the go. The rise of podcasts has been attributed to their convenient and easy-to-use nature. They can be listened to wherever and whenever you want. If you’re looking to improve your skills, here are some must-listen podcasts to help you do so.

  1. “The Creative Classroom.”

The Creative Classroom is a podcast that will help you transform your classroom into an inspirational place where creativity is encouraged. It features various topics, such as project-based learning and strategies to improve student empathy.

  1. “The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast”

The 10 Minute Teacher is a weekly podcast featuring interviews with teachers and other school personnel about what matters most to them. It also has a variety of topics that will help you improve your skills as a teacher.

  1. “The Google Teacher Podcast”

The Google Teacher Podcast aims to provide you with all the necessary information to make the most out of Google Classroom. In addition to its various programs, it also has a variety of practical tips that will help you implement them into your lessons.

  1. “Truth for Teachers”

This series aims to inspire teachers by providing them with life and encouragement so they can continue to thrive in their profession. This show will give you a boost and uplifting experience every Sunday.

  1. “House of #EdTech Podcast”

This excellent resource will help you get started with new programs and apps that will help you implement them into your lessons. It also explores how technology is affecting the way education is conducted.

  1. “#EdChat Radio”

The goal of this show is to provide you with a variety of discussions about topics related to education. It is a fun and collaborative radio network geared toward helping teachers.

  1. “Art Ed Radio”

This show is dedicated to providing K-12 art teachers with inspirational stories and ideas about the world of art education.

       8.” School Psyched!”

This weekly podcast talks about student psychology and features guest experts who are experts in the field. If you’re interested in learning more about your students’ feelings, listen to these episodes.

  1. “Conservations for Yoga Teachers”

This weekly podcast is dedicated to sharing yoga teaching-related topics, and it aims to help you improve in various areas, such as technique and professional development.

  1. “Language Latte: A Podcast for World Language”

Host Becky Morales talks about world languages as she travels globally and interviews teachers from different countries. She learns about the most effective ways to improve your confidence and fluency.